Catégorie > Lettre et philosophie

BAC C 2016 Burkina Faso, sujet d'Anglais 2nd Tour

Posté par Helper, mise à jour le 08/10/2021 à 19:53:20


Scientists know that there are two basic approaches to prolonging life. One approach is the elimination of the diseases that generally affect older people - diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, and strokes. The other is the delay of the process of growing old - the deterioration of the body.

In recent years, scientific researchers have spent much time in the study of the process of aging. They believe that, within a few years, they will develop the knowledge and the ability to delay the aging process for 10 to 15 years. The result will be that more people will live longer, more
healthful lives. At present, scientists believe that with the right diet, exercise, medical advice, and mental attitude, many people can live to be 100 years old.

Gerontologists, people who specialize in studies of problems of growing old, are investigating why body cells slow down and eventually die. They feel that delaying this slowing down process would help postpone death. In a number of American universities, scientists are studying the activity of cells, the immunities of cells, and the effects of diet and internal body temperature on aging. If their studies are successful, the results should help to improve the quality of life for older people in the next few years, as well as increase the life span of the next generation.

What will some of the effects of longer life be? For one thing, by adding extra, more healthful years to a person's life, youth and middle - age will be prolonged. A person's productivity and efficiency will be increased. In addition, it is possible that such persons will contribute to the benefit of society and will, in turn, enjoy more of the benefits society has to offer.

Longer lives for more people would affect life styles of a society. Persons who retire in middle age might want education and training, to begin new careers; thus colleges and universities would have to offer classes designed to help such people. Communities especially planned and built for older persons would greatly increase in number and might even serve as "second-career" communities in which older persons could work in their second third career after retirement.
From On Target by Dean Curry.

1. Basing on the text, what are the ways of prolonging life?
2. According to the text, what will the delay of aging process induce?
3. Referring to the text, tell the possible effects of living longer on an individual.
4. Relying on the text, what must be done to help people live longer?
5. Do you share the idea of making people live longer? Justify your answer.

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